Mummy & Me £155


Hi! So if you have landed here I am guessing you’d like to know more about these sessions.

Since it has hit home that we will definitely not be having any more babies I have been thinking a lot about the style of photos I wish I had with my children. I am a mother to three kids, two in secondary school and one in primary.

I started my business in 2011 when our firstborn was just 9 months (he is now 14).

I know I have evolved alot since those white paper backdrop days and in this season I feel I am taking the photos I either wish I had, or would want to have if I were to do it all again.

teenagers are a roller coaster and it is absolutely true what people say about the early years being the easiest. The ages I miss the most is 9 months - 3 years. Photographing children at this age is a challenge but it’s great fun! They are playful, inquisitive, moody and they don’t quite understand the concept of the camera.

Capturing a Mother (and father) bond feels important, and I want to do it for as many people as possible.

  • available Wednesdays and Fridays

  • sessions are typically 30-45 minutes

  • you will receive 10 high-res digital images

  • outfits for babies and toddlers provided

If there is not a date or time that suits you on the booking form please get in touch to arrange an alternative.

These sessions are ideal for sitting babies to pre-schoolers. I can provide rompers to suit boys and girls and of course dads and partners are welcome too! I recommend colour co-ordinating where possible, sticking to neutral and plain clothing to compliment the setup.


I will edit your photos all in colour and some in black and white. Once the editing process is complete I will load the high-resolution images to an online gallery and you can select your final 8 from there.


To book a session you will need to contact me directly via email. Most children are at their best in the mornings but I can work around naps and feeds.

Sessions are available Mon-Friday 9.30-14.30 sometimes weekends but since these are taking place in my home studio availability will be extremely limited.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kelly xxx